

I LOOOOOOOOOOVE my little nephew, Carter!

I think all of us in the family can say, "What did we ever do before Carter?". He brings so much joy to our family that can't be explained. I know all of us have felt more hope with him around. If I have a bad day, I know I can just look at Carter and feel all better again (when I get to see him) "Ok. Life is good. Carter. Good.", and everything seems easier.

I find such happiness being his Auntie! I just can't explain the love I have for him...and I'm not even his mommy! I can't even imagine what love Leafy and Tom must have for this little guy! I could watch him for hours. Every time he gives me that gummy, crooked smile.....ah. Kills me. I love kissing his chubby cheeks and watching him grow and grow. He is SUCH A CUTIE. Gah. What a little man!

He's been such a blessing in all of our lives. Our family has a new dimension now, and it's very cool to feel and see. The world makes more sense with is presence. Everyone is happy when Carter is in the room. Just hold him for a second and your heart will instantly melt.

This little guy has definitely made Chad & I really excited for the day we have kiddies of our own!

Love you, Cartsie! Never forget Auntie Ally loves you!

*muah. Baby kisses.

Love Always,
Auntie Ally Jo

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