sweet saturday.
{This was written on Saturday}
It's always a good day when
I pull out the glasses,
braid my hair,
put on the loose button-up,
and have red-painted fingernails.
And I studied.
But it was all good because
I did so in the institute building
with absolutely no souls around,
and also with Janese at her house,
which was superb beyond reason.
I love that woman.
And I'm going to miss her so.
I've discovered
that I have failed to update
the world on Mr. J and myself. ;)
Before we begin, however,
you must play this song
while you read.
It just soothes my soul.
Mmmm hmmm. ;)
So it would take an awfully
long time to recapture all
the moments we've had together
in the past while,
but I'll just highlight a few.
A few weeks after he came home,
his brother, Ryan, and sister-in-law, KacyAnn
{and himself, of course},
came to Cedar City
to spend the weekend. ;)
We got in the car and went to Leeds,
which is where KacyAnn's grandparents live.
There house is AWESOME.
They have stuff from all over the world
in there.
Not to mention the coolest fish EVER
in their pond.
I don't think I could have been more pleased.
We were treated like king and queens!
We went on countless adventures
from touring the town, to hiking around,
to watching Tangled
and How To Train A Dragon
{which Chad was seeing for the first time},
to gettin' in the hot tub,
and reading scriptures with my man ;),
to playing parcheesi and silently
Ah. It was the best.

{Did I mention I love it when he does that?^}
After our little hiking adventure,
we went to Nielsen's Frozen Custard
in St. George.

{Ya...I like that boy}
Let's be real.
I forgot how easy and utterly fulfilling
it was to just hang out with him.
It's better than Christmas,
my friends.
All the sudden,
the world makes sense
and you know they'll love you
no matter what you do.
To be loved for being just
On to our next update. ;)
{That I actually have pictures for...}

A few weeks ago,
we had Pie Night.
Here's Ryan, KacyAnn, Chad and I
at that event. :)
I would show more photos
of the family and friend ordeal,
complete with pies well over the
double digits,
I may or may not have accidentally
deleted the photos?
Not intentional.
But yes.
Pie Night is only the greatest night
to be invented ever in the history of life.
Thank you, Leafy,
for thinking about the genius idea
that we now celebrate every year.
Millions of pies
{in the eyes of a little one},
Mexican dip, chips and crackers,
CHEESEBALL, veggies,
topped off with your outstanding family
and fantastic friends,
and you got a night to remember.
Talk about feeling loved
and understanding why we're given
each other. ;)
I just feel so....happy-
and content about life
and stuff. :)
And Mr. J
is just the most phenomenal person.
He makes me so happy every day...
I think he's a keeper,
I shall conclude this post for now.
But be ready for more to come! ;)
May you all have a splendid finals week
and if you aren't currently a student,
may you enjoy this Christmas season
of cheeryness. :)
Love always,
Little Besty

{This was written on Saturday}
It's always a good day when
I pull out the glasses,
braid my hair,
put on the loose button-up,
and have red-painted fingernails.
And I studied.
But it was all good because
I did so in the institute building
with absolutely no souls around,
and also with Janese at her house,
which was superb beyond reason.
I love that woman.
And I'm going to miss her so.
I've discovered
that I have failed to update
the world on Mr. J and myself. ;)
Before we begin, however,
you must play this song
while you read.
It just soothes my soul.
Mmmm hmmm. ;)
So it would take an awfully
long time to recapture all
the moments we've had together
in the past while,
but I'll just highlight a few.
A few weeks after he came home,
his brother, Ryan, and sister-in-law, KacyAnn
{and himself, of course},
came to Cedar City
to spend the weekend. ;)
We got in the car and went to Leeds,
which is where KacyAnn's grandparents live.
There house is AWESOME.
They have stuff from all over the world
in there.
Not to mention the coolest fish EVER
in their pond.
I don't think I could have been more pleased.
We were treated like king and queens!
We went on countless adventures
from touring the town, to hiking around,
to watching Tangled
and How To Train A Dragon
{which Chad was seeing for the first time},
to gettin' in the hot tub,
and reading scriptures with my man ;),
to playing parcheesi and silently
Ah. It was the best.
we went to Nielsen's Frozen Custard
in St. George.
Let's be real.
I forgot how easy and utterly fulfilling
it was to just hang out with him.
It's better than Christmas,
my friends.
All the sudden,
the world makes sense
and you know they'll love you
no matter what you do.
To be loved for being just
On to our next update. ;)
{That I actually have pictures for...}
A few weeks ago,
we had Pie Night.
Here's Ryan, KacyAnn, Chad and I
at that event. :)
I would show more photos
of the family and friend ordeal,
complete with pies well over the
double digits,
I may or may not have accidentally
deleted the photos?
Not intentional.
But yes.
Pie Night is only the greatest night
to be invented ever in the history of life.
Thank you, Leafy,
for thinking about the genius idea
that we now celebrate every year.
Millions of pies
{in the eyes of a little one},
Mexican dip, chips and crackers,
CHEESEBALL, veggies,
topped off with your outstanding family
and fantastic friends,
and you got a night to remember.
Talk about feeling loved
and understanding why we're given
each other. ;)
I just feel so....happy-
and content about life
and stuff. :)
And Mr. J
is just the most phenomenal person.
He makes me so happy every day...
I think he's a keeper,
I shall conclude this post for now.
But be ready for more to come! ;)
May you all have a splendid finals week
and if you aren't currently a student,
may you enjoy this Christmas season
of cheeryness. :)
Love always,
Little Besty

Can I just say... I love you!!