Okay, so I know that many of you have probably watched the whole showdown of how I got proposed to on Facebook, thanks to my fiance and his video savvy self. But, for the record and for posterity sake, I must write the whole ordeal- so sorry to those who already know the story first hand or other sources. You just get to enjoy it again. ;)
Alright. Haha...oh boy. Who knows why I started crying just barely. It's just a really amazing thing, folks. It only happens once, and when it's the real one, your forever....it's just the greatest thing. And I know "the greatest thing" sounds super lame, but it's just not explainable! What can I say.
So, now that I've wiped my eyes and got mascara all over my face, let's get started. ;)
I was in Washington D.C. on choir tour with UVU Chamber Choir.
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I'm 5th from the left, front row. ;) Do you like our minty green shirts? No, we weren't selling toothpaste. |
Chad and I ALWAYS read scriptures together every single day, whether together or over the phone, so he was making his daily phone call. He asked if we could go to the Salt Lake Temple the day after I got back {Tuesday, May 8} and take pictures at Memory Grove Park, one that we had gone to for our Homecoming date in high school. I've also gone with my family before and what not. It's a gorgeous park. Go.
I got suspicious then, because I had said before I left to choir tour, "If we aren't engaged withing 2 days of me getting home from tour, I'm going to kill you". Yes, I know. I actually said that. In jest, of course. But, if you know us well, you know that half of you said, "FINALLY" when he actually did. Everyone knew it was coming, the date had already been set, we were just waiting for Mr. Chad to get on it and propose!
So I totally thought it was gonna happen then. Well then he picks me up from the airport after my trip, and when we get in the car, he says, "Oh, by the way, don't plan ANYTHING on Monday, May 14th". {Which was the next Monday}
Now, here's the thing. Chad Edward can NEVER lie to me. He gets that little smile on his face, and his eyes get all suspicious... like he's praying and hoping I won't find out his devious plans. So he totally did that about Monday! So I thought, "Oh....well maybe tomorrow {Tuesday, May 8th} really is just a date..."...or so I thought. ;)
We got in the car, all dressed up to go to the temple. Well, when we got to the parking lot of the park, Chad Edward pulled out a blind fold and said to put in on. So, of course, I think, "DUDE. Chad wouldn't just ask me to put on a blind-fold for a date. Well, maybe, but not right now. He's TOTALLY gonna propose."
Right after my splendid discovery, Chad Edward locks the keys in the car.
And he was happy about it.
Now, I love Chad Edward forever, but sometimes in these type of circumstances, he would get all onry and upset and such, but he was just as happy as happy could be. The keys were legitimately locked in the car. It wasn't planned. And we called Salt Lake police but they just so happen to not carry the stuff to unlock cars for liability reasons. Wha??? Whatev. So we discover we're gonna have to call a lock smith and all that...and Chad is STILL just as happy as can be.
He must be proposing. There's no other explanation for his over the brim happiness.
No offense, sweetheart. :)
So he says we should just go ahead and take care of it later and that we're gonna go eat dinner. Where? How? He says, "You'll see".
Side note: Luckily he had the ring and camera out of the car BEFORE he locked the keys in the car, or else this wouldn't have really happened...haha.
We proceed to go down a bugillion steps, while I'm blindfolded, and in heels, and ya. I actually fell once, don't worry. He almost killed me before he proposed! That would have been fun. Proposing to a gushing blood and slightly unconscious Ally Pally. Anyway.
So finally he tells me to sit down, and I'm convenently on a blanket. He goes away for a bit {setting up the camera, I found out later}, then tells me to take off the blindfold. In front of my is a guitar and a bouqet of my favorite flowers with a picnic basket, and we're in the middle of the park.
{Side Note #2: That blanket? I had showed my mom that at Target and said I would love it for our bedspread when we got married. Don't worry. She just totally went and bought it for the proposal, so now we have a bedspread! Thanks, Mommy!}
I'm totally confused when I see the guitar because Chad Edward doesn't play guitar. Not even a little. Nodda, nothing. So then he picks it's up, and I say, "You're gonna play that?"-and he says, "You'll see". And he proceeds to play "Your Guardian Angel" by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, only one of my favorites in junior high and had it posted on my wall in my room. And it was GREAT! He claims he messed up, but I was just in such shock that he was playing guitar that I didn't even notice.
And the fact that I knew I was getting proposed to. ;)
It was so sweet. And we even had an audience! You can see some of them on our video on Facebook of the proposal, but there were more not in the view of the camera. :) I tried not to notice them, but it was still cool to have a crowd.
Once he was done...he picked me up, gave me a smooch, and then got down on his knee....
My heart stopped. My vision got blurry. Wait. This was THE moment. The one I had dreamed about and talked about for only my entire life. He was on his knee...and he was going to ask one of the most important questions he would ever ask in his eternity. No biggie. Whew. Little tears burst into my eyes. Wow.
Then he reached into his pocket. Breathe, Ally. Breathe.
And pulled out a beautiful navy blue box with gold detail....
...and opened it. The most gorgeous ring in the universe lay inside. The ring we had picked out a {here comes confession}, a month after he got home. Haha...oh boy. The ring he had sitting at his brother's apartment since January. It was perfect. Beautiful. Stunning. And sitting in that box...for me.
Somewhere in the distance I heard, "Will you marry me?!"
:) Time stopped. Think, Ally. Think. You're supposed to say something. Oh yes!
So you know how I'm crazy and imagine everything in my head years in advance? Well, I decided long ago I wasn't just gonna say "yes", but ask HIM a question {bwa hahaha..}, and I decided that would be, "Is this gonna be forever?". Let's be real, that's a big deal, kids.
In the fog of being asked the question of all questions, by only the most magnificent man in the universe, I remembered my decision for myself. I asked, probably more timidly then I imagined in my head and minus the fireworks from my eyeballs, "Is this gonna be forever?"...and I looked into those hazel, surrounded by blue eyes, and HE said YES. ;)
10 points for Gryffindor!
So then I was completely stupid and just said, "ok."
Wait. Dumb Cat. You gotta say YES, kid!
Oh ya! "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
He pulled the ring out of the box, threw the box aside, and placed it on my finger. :)
Then we did what any other couple would do after that kinda commitment. ;) Muah!*
In the words of my now-to-be-nephew, Jayden Crew Pont, "Did you guys kiss?"
Yes, boy, yes we did. ;)
Then we were all mushy and stuff, and we'll spare our poor children. Haha!
After our crown dispersed, my mom and Chad Edward's mom came out from the bushes {wha?}, where they had witnessed the whole thing! Ah, shucks. We hugged and laughed and hugged and laughed. Then took some love-dove pictures! Obviously. After our mommys left, we dug into some yummy Kneaders food and called family and friends. :)
The whole thing was magical and absolutely perfect for me.-for us. I'm SO SO SO happy. That's an understatement. This guy, my future hubbie and now FIANCE {ah!}, is only my most bestest of all friends and the most sweetest of sweethearts. I love him to pieces and could never imagine a more perfect match for me. :) Forever is gonna ROCK with him!
There ya have it, folks. August 14, 2012 is the day we'll become hubbie and wifey FOREVER! I'm more than ecstatic. Oh my lanta. You better believe it!
Love you, all. Really. ;)
The Future Alison Best Johnson {ah!}
So I totally thought it was gonna happen then. Well then he picks me up from the airport after my trip, and when we get in the car, he says, "Oh, by the way, don't plan ANYTHING on Monday, May 14th". {Which was the next Monday}
Now, here's the thing. Chad Edward can NEVER lie to me. He gets that little smile on his face, and his eyes get all suspicious... like he's praying and hoping I won't find out his devious plans. So he totally did that about Monday! So I thought, "Oh....well maybe tomorrow {Tuesday, May 8th} really is just a date..."...or so I thought. ;)
We got in the car, all dressed up to go to the temple. Well, when we got to the parking lot of the park, Chad Edward pulled out a blind fold and said to put in on. So, of course, I think, "DUDE. Chad wouldn't just ask me to put on a blind-fold for a date. Well, maybe, but not right now. He's TOTALLY gonna propose."
Right after my splendid discovery, Chad Edward locks the keys in the car.
And he was happy about it.
Now, I love Chad Edward forever, but sometimes in these type of circumstances, he would get all onry and upset and such, but he was just as happy as happy could be. The keys were legitimately locked in the car. It wasn't planned. And we called Salt Lake police but they just so happen to not carry the stuff to unlock cars for liability reasons. Wha??? Whatev. So we discover we're gonna have to call a lock smith and all that...and Chad is STILL just as happy as can be.
He must be proposing. There's no other explanation for his over the brim happiness.
No offense, sweetheart. :)
So he says we should just go ahead and take care of it later and that we're gonna go eat dinner. Where? How? He says, "You'll see".
Side note: Luckily he had the ring and camera out of the car BEFORE he locked the keys in the car, or else this wouldn't have really happened...haha.
We proceed to go down a bugillion steps, while I'm blindfolded, and in heels, and ya. I actually fell once, don't worry. He almost killed me before he proposed! That would have been fun. Proposing to a gushing blood and slightly unconscious Ally Pally. Anyway.
So finally he tells me to sit down, and I'm convenently on a blanket. He goes away for a bit {setting up the camera, I found out later}, then tells me to take off the blindfold. In front of my is a guitar and a bouqet of my favorite flowers with a picnic basket, and we're in the middle of the park.
{Side Note #2: That blanket? I had showed my mom that at Target and said I would love it for our bedspread when we got married. Don't worry. She just totally went and bought it for the proposal, so now we have a bedspread! Thanks, Mommy!}
I'm totally confused when I see the guitar because Chad Edward doesn't play guitar. Not even a little. Nodda, nothing. So then he picks it's up, and I say, "You're gonna play that?"-and he says, "You'll see". And he proceeds to play "Your Guardian Angel" by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, only one of my favorites in junior high and had it posted on my wall in my room. And it was GREAT! He claims he messed up, but I was just in such shock that he was playing guitar that I didn't even notice.
And the fact that I knew I was getting proposed to. ;)
It was so sweet. And we even had an audience! You can see some of them on our video on Facebook of the proposal, but there were more not in the view of the camera. :) I tried not to notice them, but it was still cool to have a crowd.
Once he was done...he picked me up, gave me a smooch, and then got down on his knee....
My heart stopped. My vision got blurry. Wait. This was THE moment. The one I had dreamed about and talked about for only my entire life. He was on his knee...and he was going to ask one of the most important questions he would ever ask in his eternity. No biggie. Whew. Little tears burst into my eyes. Wow.
Then he reached into his pocket. Breathe, Ally. Breathe.
And pulled out a beautiful navy blue box with gold detail....
...and opened it. The most gorgeous ring in the universe lay inside. The ring we had picked out a {here comes confession}, a month after he got home. Haha...oh boy. The ring he had sitting at his brother's apartment since January. It was perfect. Beautiful. Stunning. And sitting in that box...for me.
Somewhere in the distance I heard, "Will you marry me?!"
:) Time stopped. Think, Ally. Think. You're supposed to say something. Oh yes!
So you know how I'm crazy and imagine everything in my head years in advance? Well, I decided long ago I wasn't just gonna say "yes", but ask HIM a question {bwa hahaha..}, and I decided that would be, "Is this gonna be forever?". Let's be real, that's a big deal, kids.
In the fog of being asked the question of all questions, by only the most magnificent man in the universe, I remembered my decision for myself. I asked, probably more timidly then I imagined in my head and minus the fireworks from my eyeballs, "Is this gonna be forever?"...and I looked into those hazel, surrounded by blue eyes, and HE said YES. ;)
10 points for Gryffindor!
So then I was completely stupid and just said, "ok."
Wait. Dumb Cat. You gotta say YES, kid!
Oh ya! "YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
He pulled the ring out of the box, threw the box aside, and placed it on my finger. :)
Then we did what any other couple would do after that kinda commitment. ;) Muah!*
In the words of my now-to-be-nephew, Jayden Crew Pont, "Did you guys kiss?"
Yes, boy, yes we did. ;)
Then we were all mushy and stuff, and we'll spare our poor children. Haha!
After our crown dispersed, my mom and Chad Edward's mom came out from the bushes {wha?}, where they had witnessed the whole thing! Ah, shucks. We hugged and laughed and hugged and laughed. Then took some love-dove pictures! Obviously. After our mommys left, we dug into some yummy Kneaders food and called family and friends. :)
The whole thing was magical and absolutely perfect for me.-for us. I'm SO SO SO happy. That's an understatement. This guy, my future hubbie and now FIANCE {ah!}, is only my most bestest of all friends and the most sweetest of sweethearts. I love him to pieces and could never imagine a more perfect match for me. :) Forever is gonna ROCK with him!
{And no, these pictures below of moments after the proposal are NOT our engagements. :)}
There ya have it, folks. August 14, 2012 is the day we'll become hubbie and wifey FOREVER! I'm more than ecstatic. Oh my lanta. You better believe it!
Love you, all. Really. ;)
The Future Alison Best Johnson {ah!}
Ah! Ally, CONGRATS!!! That is SO exciting! Being married is the best. You think you know them and then you get married and get to know them even more and it's wonderful! I'm so excited for you guys!!! :)