No WAY!!!
Sitting in my computer chair, mentally preparing for the day ahead.
I'm thinking about our plans for me to head out in a few hours with Squilliam to go wait for approx. 5 HOURS
in the standby line at the conference center, praying we by some miracle get tickets to see one of my favorite artists of all time sing with my beloved Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The family will join on with me later.
It's not just the fact that David Archuleta just happens to be singing with the Motab, but my family goes EVERY single year to this concert. Either we happen to be lucky enough to get tickets, or some gracious family friend involved with Motab gives us some of their tickets. It's a tradition to attend this concert!
So we're all about to cry this year because no tickets have appeared. WHAT? AND it's David this year for crying out loud! It's not like I've waiting my whole life since the pop star hit the stage at American Idol to meet this kid or even see him!
Ah. Ah man.
Back to this morning. I sit at the computer, going over my instructions, really not wanting to wait in the cold for that long without even knowing if we're going to get tickets. Yes, I love David and would be willing to wait days to see him in concert, but gee wiz! It's a coin toss chance at this point.
Then the phone rings.
"Patricia Smith"
No way.
"Hey, Lisa?"
"No, this is Ally"
"Oh hey Ally, how are ya? I was wondering if you guys wanted these tickets to the concert tonight. I have four of them."
Silence due to shock and loss of breath.
We needed EXACTLY four tickets.
Dear Heavenly Father,
You sure have a sense of humor.
Giving us those tickets the DAY OF.
It's a good thing I like you.
"Patricia! We TOTALLY want them! That's so great! We were gonna wait all day..this is awesome...oh my goodness thank you!!!"
"Yeah no prob! We'll leave them at Will Call under Chris Smith. Merry Christmas!"
My life is now complete.
Does anyone else agree I should marry David Archuleta?
Just sayin.
He's on the short side, two singers put together=good good, he's super humble, wonderfully LDS....I mean, come on!
Ally Archuleta has a nice ring to it!
Okay I'm totally kidding, but sort of not.
Don't worry friends, I am not an obsessive David lover,
but I do believe he is extremely talented and I admire him for never giving up, even when he suffered from paralyzed vocal chords.
Go David!
And as for my Mormon Tabernacle Choir, I love you. It's as simple as that. How many memories do I have in this gospel that involve you? All those Christmas concerts, seeing my family and friends sing in the choir, Music and the Spoken Word, traveling all around the're incredible. Maybe someday my dream will come true of singing among you as a member of your choir. ;)
Merry Christmas to all.
May the blessings of our Savior and Father shower upon you.

Little Besty
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