Happy Sunday
from the Johnson's!
Charlotte LOVES her Daddy! |
P.s...we like to match on sundays. :) |
Of course, one of my goals for this next year is to blog better, but you have to give me a break for the last few months. I mean, baby? 'nough said. :) I'm gonna start fresh and take some posts to highlight some events and things from the last few months, but will take it as I wish. But, I do promise Charlotte's Birth Story part 2 and Christmas for positives.
Our little family got a brand new spankin' new camera for Christmas! And it is NIIIIIICE. A EOS Rebel T3i (if that's the official name you would tell someone?) to be exact-and we got it for a wicked sweet deal. It was a big splurge, but we've been dying to have this camera since Chad and I started dating so...we decided to just go for it since it would benefit us super super muchly and can now capture our beautiful Charlotte non-stop. :) We're pretty stoked about it. So even more reason to blog with a new camera!
Hope you had a wonderful Sunday. We sure did!
Ally Jo