What a day to blog about!
And it's only 10:58 AM!
As I have mentioned earlier in my writings,
the world around me inspires my thoughts and ideas.
Pretty simple.
And truly phenomenal at the same time!
Here goes my adventure.
The hours of my morning yesterday didn't seem quite..."up" in the beginning.
Painful chest coughs and a bleeding, running nose {thanks for the info, Ally!}
took over my aching body.
I thought the world would end.
It almost did.
I missed everything.
My family. My best friend.
My old life.
I felt the overwhelming wave of the storm.
Then....a bit of sunshine fell in my hand.
I had a weird urge to get dressed.
Odd, I know.
I still felt like death,
but I had a new energy I hadn't seen for a week.
I went to be around people.
Their warmth lifted me up.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
I held my little friend as she cried because I was leaving.
It's been awhile since someone cried because of my departure.
We ate hard cookies together and she laid her head on my chest while I rocked her.
We wrote a note together. I loved it.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
My friend, Aaron and I took a little trip to Walmart.
My heart filled with joy as he craved every single sweet he passed.
I don't think he realized how much I needed his contribution of sunshine.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
I opened my email in the commercial break for Biggest Loser.
"You've made the FIRST CUT".
I made the first cut to be an extra in the New Testament movie.
My whole countenance grins as I physically see
hope and light enter into my life.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
I wake up this morning
and smell the magnificent fragrance of spring.
I'm in love, with spring.
This causes energy in my step.
More than usual.
I walk to check my mail, just cause.
There's a letter.
Yet again, Wha?
This is unexpected.
The best friend always pulls through when I least expect it. ;)
As I hold it in my hand,
a dear friend taps me on the shoulder and says,
If only you knew the significance of the contribution of your sunshine.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
I get to the door.
An elderly man opens if for me.
Thank you!
"You are so welcome".
I almost turned around and kissed him on the cheek.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
Dear friends,
when it seems that the storm will never end
and the day is just too hard,
I promise you, with a sincere heart full of sunshine:
It Will Pass.
*Sunshine is heading your way*
Love always,
Little Besty
What a day to blog about!
And it's only 10:58 AM!
As I have mentioned earlier in my writings,
the world around me inspires my thoughts and ideas.
Pretty simple.
And truly phenomenal at the same time!
Here goes my adventure.
The hours of my morning yesterday didn't seem quite..."up" in the beginning.
Painful chest coughs and a bleeding, running nose {thanks for the info, Ally!}
took over my aching body.
I thought the world would end.
It almost did.
I missed everything.
My family. My best friend.
My old life.
I felt the overwhelming wave of the storm.
Then....a bit of sunshine fell in my hand.
I had a weird urge to get dressed.
Odd, I know.
I still felt like death,
but I had a new energy I hadn't seen for a week.
I went to be around people.
Their warmth lifted me up.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
I held my little friend as she cried because I was leaving.
It's been awhile since someone cried because of my departure.
We ate hard cookies together and she laid her head on my chest while I rocked her.
We wrote a note together. I loved it.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
My friend, Aaron and I took a little trip to Walmart.
My heart filled with joy as he craved every single sweet he passed.
I don't think he realized how much I needed his contribution of sunshine.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
I opened my email in the commercial break for Biggest Loser.
"You've made the FIRST CUT".
I made the first cut to be an extra in the New Testament movie.
My whole countenance grins as I physically see
hope and light enter into my life.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
I wake up this morning
and smell the magnificent fragrance of spring.
I'm in love, with spring.
This causes energy in my step.
More than usual.
I walk to check my mail, just cause.
There's a letter.
Yet again, Wha?
This is unexpected.
The best friend always pulls through when I least expect it. ;)
As I hold it in my hand,
a dear friend taps me on the shoulder and says,
If only you knew the significance of the contribution of your sunshine.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
I get to the door.
An elderly man opens if for me.
Thank you!
"You are so welcome".
I almost turned around and kissed him on the cheek.
Sunshine. More sunshine.
Dear friends,
when it seems that the storm will never end
and the day is just too hard,
I promise you, with a sincere heart full of sunshine:
It Will Pass.
*Sunshine is heading your way*

Love always,
Little Besty